
Oct 23, 2014

Comforting Chicken Soup

It's the year end and it's been raining rather often lately. What better time than it is now to have a wonderfully nice bowl of chicken soup that nourishes and comfort ourselves with.

Hubby has been working late (even weekends) lately and the weather has been rather erratic recently, with the haze looming in the air. I've decided that we need to boost our immunity and strengthen our overall health, so I made it a point to prepare nourishing soups at least twice a week now.

Sharing in verbatim, as said by the author of this book -
Photo Credit Link
Soups transform our health, drinking soup helps to ease mental tension, minimizes weakness,  fatigue and relieves symptoms of overworking commonly suffered by urbanites such as tension, stress and disrupted metabolism.

I bought a pack of these Cordycep Militaris (冬虫草花) commonly known as Cordycep Flowers, recently, it's not the first time I've prepared soups with this ingredient, it's still one of my favourite ingredients for chicken soup.

Preparing soups is really not that difficult, it just requires time for the essence of the ingredients to be fully released. The time required for active preparation is not more than 10mins tops! Which is why, I can just survive on soups if I don't have a brood to feed *smile* I am not particularly excited about slaving in the kitchen for hours just to prep meals.

Sharing the recipe and the nourishing tidbit about the Cordycep Militaris here (click on link) which I wrote in detail some time back when I was still actively working on Munch Ministry. I hope it'd benefit you one way or another.

Eat healthy and be healthy!

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